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Monday Morning Politics: A Recap of the Latest Political News

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NPR's Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest political news, including tax funding for CUNY, the Biden reelection campaign, and more.

description: a group of people engaged in a lively political discussion, with charts and graphs displayed on a screen in the background.

NPR's Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Geoff Bennett for their weekly discussion on Monday morning politics. They dive into the latest political news, including updates on tax funding for CUNY and Columbia University.

Congressman Meeks sheds light on how taxing Columbia and NYU can help fund CUNY. This proposal has gained attention as a potential solution to the funding crisis in higher education.

The conversation then shifts to the inside workings of the Biden reelection campaign. With the 2024 elections approaching, political analysts and strategists are closely watching the Biden team's moves.

Christopher Hope's analysis of political twists and turns in Westminster provides a broader perspective on the turbulent year in politics. The impact of these events on the international stage cannot be understated.

The discussion continues with a focus on gun laws and the ongoing debate surrounding the Second Amendment. Recent events have reignited the conversation, prompting lawmakers to revisit existing legislation.

National security takes center stage as the hosts delve into the latest developments in this critical area. Topics such as cybersecurity, intelligence sharing, and defense spending are examined.

Foreign policy and international relations are also key topics of discussion. The hosts analyze the diplomatic efforts of the current administration and assess their impact on global affairs.

The conversation then shifts to the upcoming midterm elections and the potential impact on Congress. The political landscape is constantly evolving, and these elections will play a crucial role in shaping the future.

Tamara Keith and Amy Walter join Amna Nawaz to discuss the latest political news, including updates on the economy and healthcare. These issues are at the forefront of voters' minds and will greatly influence future policy decisions.

The hosts analyze the role of women in politics and the progress made in achieving gender parity. They highlight the achievements of influential women in Congress and discuss the challenges they still face.

As the discussion wraps up, the hosts touch on the importance of bipartisanship and finding common ground in a highly polarized political climate. Collaboration and compromise are essential for effective governance.

The conversation concludes with a look ahead at the upcoming week's political agenda. From key legislative debates to presidential initiatives, the hosts provide insights into the events that will shape the political landscape.

Tamara Keith and Susan Page of USA Today join Amna Nawaz to discuss the latest political news, including the impact of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter's recent statements. Her influential voice carries weight in political circles.

NPR's Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report return to join Geoff Bennett in analyzing the latest political news. They provide expert insights and analysis, keeping listeners informed on the ever-changing political landscape.

monday morning politicspolitical newstax fundingcunybiden reelection campaign
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