In the upcoming Telangana assembly election, the Congress Party has launched a campaign mocking Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao's 'dora' (boss) image. As per an NDTV poll of polls, the Congress is projected to win at least 62 seats, posing a significant challenge to KCR's ruling party. This article will delve into the reasons behind the positive swing for Congress in the polls and shed light on the allegations made by the Congress party against KCR.
According to the exit polls for the 2023 assembly elections, KCR is seeking a third term in power. He has been ruling the state since its formation in 2014. The Congress party, led by Telangana Congress president A Revanth Reddy, has accused KCR of not addressing the issues faced by Gulf migrants, as well as the encroachment of the Nagarjuna Sagar dam by Andhra. These allegations have contributed to the growing support for the Congress party among the electorate.
Analyzing the reasons behind the positive swing for Congress, it can be attributed to four main factors. Firstly, the Congress party's effective campaign strategy, including the mocking of KCR's 'dora' image, has resonated with the voters. Secondly, the allegations of KCR's failure to address the concerns of Gulf migrants have struck a chord with a significant section of the electorate. Thirdly, the encroachment issue of the Nagarjuna Sagar dam has highlighted KCR's alleged negligence towards safeguarding the state's resources. Lastly, the overall anti-incumbency sentiment against KCR's party has contributed to the Congress party's growing popularity.