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The Alabama Legislature's Ongoing Battle with Federal Laws

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A closer look at Alabama's political landscape and its defiance of federal laws.

description: an image of a group of politicians in a heated discussion, with blurred faces and anonymous labels.

The Alabama Legislature's open defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Allen v. Milligan ordering the creation of a second majority-Black...

After Thursday's execution, Gov. Kay Ivey said, 'In Alabama, we uphold the rule of law.' Which laws are those, exactly?

The CR funds the federal government at current levels through Jan. 19 for certain agencies and Feb. 2 for others.

With such power comes a profound responsibility to discern the public interest from morbid curiosity.

There is currently a push to overhaul the 2010 ethics code, once hailed by Republicans as the “toughest ethics laws” in the country.

These political gurus of today know that finding a boogeyman to run against remains true.

Board members said they'd like more time and information to consider just what that move would mean for the library service.

Republicans in the state Senate want to break Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, a long-held goal of many conservatives.

The Medical Cannabis Act is not just a bureaucratic blunder, it's a tragedy for those the act intended to help.

The Alabama Legislature's ongoing battle with federal laws raises concerns about the state's commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Allen v. Milligan, the Alabama Legislature continues to resist creating a second majority-Black...

The push to overhaul the 2010 ethics code reveals a shift in the Republican stance on ethics laws.

Republicans' attempt to break Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act raises questions about their commitment to equal voting rights.

The Alabama Legislature's actions highlight the need for a closer examination of the state's political landscape and its relationship with federal laws.

alabama legislaturefederal governmentrule of lawvoting rights actethics codelibrary servicerepublicansethics lawsbureaucracytragedy
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