The day-to-day operations of most federal agencies are funded on an annual basis by appropriations. When those appropriation bills are not passed by the deadline, a continuing resolution (CR) is enacted to temporarily fund the government. CRs have become a common occurrence in politics, serving as a tool to prevent a government shutdown while negotiations for a long-term spending bill take place.
No matter what comes of the election next week, the current Congress will have a lot on its plate, including a continuing resolution that will determine the fate of government funding. A CR allows Congress to maintain the status quo in terms of funding levels and avoid disruptions in essential services.
Highlights from Congress' efforts to avoid a government shutdown by approving a federal spending bill by the Oct. 1st deadline shed light on the significance of CRs. This process involves intense negotiations, compromises, and debates among lawmakers to ensure the smooth functioning of the government.
The Senate passed a spending bill Saturday night, averting a government shutdown that would have triggered a calamitous domino effect on the economy and national security. The passage of this bill demonstrates the importance of CRs in maintaining stability during political uncertainties.
Congress has not passed a budget or extension to work on a spending deal. Here's how the government shutdown would affect you and your everyday life, emphasizing the potential consequences of a failure to enact a CR.
There are less than two weeks until Congress' short-term government funding extension ends, and concerns about a government shutdown are looming. The need for CRs arises when lawmakers fail to reach a consensus on long-term funding priorities.
It offers a potential escape hatch for McCarthy if the government shuts down, highlighting the political implications and strategies involved in using CRs as a way to avoid blame or take advantage of a crisis.
WASHINGTON — With just hours to spare, House Republicans and Democrats on Saturday struck a surprise deal to fund the government and avert a potential shutdown. This last-minute agreement showcases the urgency and high-stakes nature of CR negotiations.
With just over two weeks left before the government runs out of money, Congress is no closer to an agreement to avoid a government shutdown. This ongoing stalemate underscores the significance of CRs in bridging the gap between opposing political factions and preventing a funding crisis.
In conclusion, CRs play a crucial role in politics by providing temporary government funding and preventing shutdowns. As seen through the lens of Congress, the complex negotiations, debates, and compromises involved in enacting CRs showcase the intricate nature of political decision-making. Understanding the significance of CRs is essential for comprehending the dynamics of government funding and its impact on various policy areas.