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The Rising Tide of Political Polarization in America

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Explore the driving forces behind America's growing political polarization.

description: a group of protestors holding signs and flags with various political symbols. they are gathered in a public square, passionately expressing their differing political views.

Here's what's driving America's increasing political polarization. Views of American presidents have become more and more polarized by party affiliation. The divide between Democrats and Republicans has deepened over the years, leading to an ideological rift that permeates every aspect of American politics.

Ideological polarization was an elite issue. Polarization at the congressional level was worrisome but not deadly to democracy. It was causing gridlock and hindering progress, but it had not yet reached a point of complete breakdown.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- With the 2024 presidential election less than a year away, a new report from the California Secretary of State shows the intensifying political polarization among voters. The report highlights the growing divide between left-leaning and right-leaning individuals, with each side becoming more entrenched in their beliefs.

National political leaders foster conversations around public policy, process, and service. However, in recent years, these discussions have become more polarized, with politicians appealing to their respective bases rather than seeking common ground.

The founders predicted party politics would be the greatest political evil, as it has the potential to divide and weaken the nation. While they established a system of checks and balances, they could not have foreseen the extent to which polarization would permeate American society.

This time next year, Americans will be casting votes in the 2024 general election. State and local races (and issues) will take place alongside the highly contentious presidential race, further fueling the flames of political polarization.

Americans have long been critical of politicians and skeptical of the federal government. But today, Americans' views of politics and their trust in government institutions have reached new lows, contributing to the deepening divide between the two major political parties.

Chile's President Gabriel Boric faces a deeply polarized country, rising crime, and a divisive upcoming vote on a new constitution. The polarization in Chile mirrors the global trend, as countries around the world grapple with increasing political divisions.

The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program aims to provide $6 million annually for research that explores the causes and effects of political polarization, as well as potential solutions to bridge the divide. By supporting research in this field, the program seeks to shed light on the complex dynamics of polarization.

As political polarization continues to shape the American political landscape, it is crucial to engage in constructive dialogue and seek common ground. Only through understanding and empathy can we begin to bridge the gap and work towards a more unified future.

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