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RealClear Politics: The Unraveling of Leadership in Congress

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A deep dive into the political dysfunction and leadership crisis in Congress.

description: an image depicting the empty seats in the house of representatives, symbolizing the lack of leadership and direction in congress.

Just one week ago, the world watched in horror as Hamas terrorists and supporters stormed into southern Israel to slaughter, rape, mutilate, and commit unspeakable acts of violence. The international community condemned these actions, but the response from Congress has been lackluster at best. Our elected officials seem more interested in political posturing than in addressing the urgent crisis at hand.

Republican candidate for president Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) in an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt said President Joe Biden 'showed a complete lack of leadership' in his response to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Scott criticized the president for not taking a stronger stance against Hamas and for failing to support our ally Israel.

Former President Trump commented during a speech Monday in Iowa: "Today a judge put on a gag order. I'll be the only politician who will be able to speak." His words highlight the stifling of free speech and the erosion of democratic values that are becoming increasingly prevalent in our political landscape.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib broke down in tears at a rally Wednesday near the Capitol over reports denied by President Biden that Israel allegedly committed war crimes. Her emotional display underscores the deep divisions within Congress and the lack of a unified approach to addressing the Israel-Gaza conflict.

President Biden spoke about the Israel-Gaza war during a visit to Israel on Wednesday. While he expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself, his remarks lacked clarity and a firm commitment to standing against terrorism.

Via Breitbart's Allum Bokhari -- Former Director of National Intelligence Michael Hayden is now on the board of advisors for NewsGuard. This raises concerns about the influence and objectivity of news outlets, particularly when figures with political affiliations are involved.

Our political dysfunction seems to be getting more dire by the day. The House remains rudderless without a speaker as crises rage in Israel and around the world. The lack of leadership and decisive action from Congress is deeply troubling.

In an interview with '60 Minutes' that will air in full on Sunday night, President Biden appeared optimistic that the U.S. will not be tied down by the Israel-Gaza conflict and expressed confidence in his administration's ability to navigate the diplomatic challenges ahead. However, many Americans have growing doubts about his ability to lead effectively.

RealClearPolitics president and co-founder Tom Bevan and Washington bureau chief Carl Cannon discuss the crisis in leadership among House members and the urgent need for a strong and decisive speaker. They highlight the importance of addressing the pressing issues facing our nation and the consequences of political inaction.

As the unraveling of leadership in Congress continues, it is crucial for the American people to demand accountability and effective governance. Our democracy depends on the ability of our elected officials to put aside partisan interests and work towards the greater good. The future of our nation hangs in the balance, and it is up to us to demand better from our leaders.

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