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Rep. Jim Jordan Fails to Win House Speakership in Floor Vote

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"Follow the latest updates on the chaotic House speaker's race"

description: an image of the house floor during a session, with representatives engaged in a lively debate and voting process.

The race for the House speakership took a dramatic turn on Tuesday as Rep. Jim Jordan failed to secure the position during a floor vote. This article will provide the latest live news updates on the ongoing chaos surrounding the House speaker's race.

Despite being a prominent figure within the Republican Party, Rep. Jim Jordan has never been the primary sponsor of a bill that passed into law. However, he has cosponsored numerous bills throughout his career, showcasing his involvement in legislative matters.

When it comes to bipartisanship and legislative effectiveness, Rep. Jim Jordan consistently ranks towards the bottom of the House. This has raised concerns about his ability to work across party lines and effectively push forward meaningful legislation.

Following the ousting of Republican nominee Steve Scalise, the House speaker's race has become even more unpredictable and chaotic. The article will provide timely updates on the latest developments in this race.

The 118th Congress, which is currently in session, has achieved several demographic milestones. However, it still remains out of step with the diverse makeup of the American population. The article will delve into these demographic milestones and analyze the impact on Congress.

Grant Cardone, a sales trainer, speaker, and entrepreneur, possesses extensive knowledge about both wealth and poverty. With an estimated net worth of $600 million, Cardone's insights into financial matters can provide valuable perspectives on economic policies and their impact on Congress.

For those interested in the age demographics of Congress, FiscalNote's comprehensive report on the age of every member of the 118th Congress will be a valuable resource. It includes information on the oldest, youngest, and most interesting members in terms of age.

Lawmakers' ages, including prominent figures like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Mitt Romney, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, have been a subject of discussion and debate. This article will explore the significance of lawmakers' ages and how it influences their decision-making and political careers.

Now that the House finally has a speaker, the 118th Congress can begin its legislative business. The prolonged battle over the speakership has caused significant delays, but with a new speaker in place, the article will examine the potential impact on the legislative agenda moving forward.

rep. jim jordanhouse speakershipfloor votelive news updates
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